Third Quarter Estimated Taxes Payments Are Due September 15th, 2021.


As the end of the summer is upon us and the college football season kicks off, I am sending out a friendly reminder that third quarter estimated tax payments are due to the IRS on September 15th, 2021.  Please note that the third quarter estimated payments are not delayed for this year as the first and second payments were. 

As always, we encourage everyone to pay using your ESTPS online account or the IRS Direct Pay website at Business owners who wish to enroll in EFTPS can do so at

The IRS is still experiencing significant delays in processing paperwork and payments.  If you insist on mailing check, please make sure you have a third quarter payment voucher and follow the directions on what information the IRS requires to be on the check.  Leaving off any required information on that check could delay the IRS processing your payment.  We also highly recommend that you mail the check to the IRS using USPS Certified Mail with return receipt.  This will ensure your ability to track that your payment was in fact received.  The bottom line is that it is more efficient and much easier to pay on the website. 

If you need help determining what your third quarter estimated payment should be or with any other tax related issue, please feel free to reach out to us. 

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